News & Events

News & Events


Map showing concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) in the Puget Sound
Map showing concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) in the Puget Sound
Dementia in the air?
UW Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences,

Associate Professor of Biostatistics Adam Szpiro is part of the team using a high-resolution model to study the impact that air pollution may have on cognitive decline and dementia.

Gloved healthcare worker administers vaccine in patients arm
Gloved healthcare worker administers vaccine in patients arm
‘Warp Speed’ COVID-19 Vaccine Efforts Aim for Diverse Volunteers and Long-Lasting Protection
Scientific American,

The trick to delivering fast answers on vaccine safety and efficacy is to enroll large numbers of people, says Peter Gilbert, a biostatistician at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and a UW research professor of biostatistics.

Sign that says: Caution: Pesticide spraying in progress. Proceed at own risk
Sign that says: Caution: Pesticide spraying in progress. Proceed at own risk
Data omission in key EPA insecticide study shows need for review of industry analysis
UW News,

For nearly 50 years, a statistical omission tantamount to data falsification sat undiscovered in a critical study at the heart of regulating one of the most controversial and widely used pesticides in America. Lianne Sheppard, a professor of biostatistics and environmental health in the UW School of Public Health is the study’s lead author.

Lianne Sheppard
Lianne Sheppard
A model of scientific integrity
UW Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences,

Lianne Sheppard, professor in UW Departments of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences and in Biostatistics honored by fellow scientists and receives the Research Integrity Award from the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology.

Photo thumbnail of 2002 grads
Photo thumbnail of 2002 grads
From data scientist to researcher, recent program grads share future plans
From teaching college-level statistics to working as a data scientist at Microsoft, our newest alumni are off to some exciting new opportunities in the coming year.