- Medical Biometry I, II, III (BIOST 511-512-513)
- Autumn, Winter, Spring: 4 credits/quarter
- All quarters include data analysis using a statistical software package
- BIOST 511: principles and methods of data description and elementary parametric and non-parametric statistical analysis
- BIOST 512: simple and multiple linear regression
- BIOST 513: categorical data analysis, logistic regression, survival analysis.
- Applied Biostatistics I, II (BIOST 517-518)
- Autumn, Winter: 4 credits/quarter
- Both quarters include data analysis using a statistical software package
- BIOST 517: principles and methods of data description for categorical, ordinal, continuous, and right-censored variables. Basic methods of statistical testing and inference, and simple regression problems
- BIOST 518: simple and multiple regression for continuous, discrete, and right-censored response variables.
- Analytic Skills for Public Health I (PHI 512)
- Autumn quarter only: 7 credits
- Includes data analysis using a statistical software package
- Biostatistics + Epidemiology
Should I Take One Course or a Sequence?
- One-course options (BIOST 511, BIOST 517, PHI 512) provide an introduction to biostatistical concepts and basic methods, including use of a statistical package. All one quarter options meet CEPH biostatistics competencies.
- BIOST 511
- May have some overlap with EPI 511 material
- Allows continuation to BIOST 512 in the same year
- BIOST 517
- Seldom used as one quarter option
- Material presented at greater depth and speed compared to 511
- Allows continuation to BIOST 518 in the same year
- PHI 512
- Equivalent content to EPI 512
- Only open to School of Public Health MPH students
- Allows continuation to EPI 513 in the same year
- Sequence options (BIOST 511-512-513, BIOST 517-518) lead to competency in applying statistical methodology, including using a statistical package. The sequence options cover methods that are typically needed for research
- BIOST 511 – 513 cover data description, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, linear, logistic and hazard regression over 3 quarters
- BIOST 517 – 518 cover similar material at greater speed and in greater depth, requiring students to have more advanced mathematical background
Is it possible to switch sequences during the academic Year?
Although the sequences 511-513 and 517-518 cover similar topics, the material is not covered in the same order or time frame. With permission of the instructor, it is possible for a student who completes BIOST 517 to continue into BIOST 512..
I completed BIOST 508 (which was offered through Winter 2020), but now find that I need additional experience. Can I enroll in 512 or 513?
Possibly, with permission of the instructor. Besides instructor’s permission, enrolling in 513 requires additional algebra background (for example, the ability to work with logarithms and exponentials).