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News & Events


Photo of the Hans Rosling Center Building at night
Photo of the Hans Rosling Center Building at night
UW Biostatistics highlights for 2022
UW Biostatistics community member contributions and accomplishments during 2022.
Ross Prentice
Ross Prentice
Recognizing the distinguished career and contributions of Ross Prentice
Celebrating the career of Ross Prentice, professor of biostatistics at the University of Washington School of Public Health, who retires at the end of this year.
Sharon Browning
Sharon Browning
Three-Way Identity-by-Descent Approach Refines Average Genome-Wide Mutation Rate for Humans

Researchers have used a new approach to refine the estimate of the average genome-wide mutation rate for humans, which they pegged at 1.24 x 10-8 per base pair per generation.

According to UW Professor of Biostatistics Sharon Browning and her colleagues, the rate they calculated "is consistent with our previous IBD-based estimates but has tighter confidence intervals because of the larger sample size enabled by the methodology presented here."

FDA Building Sign
FDA Building Sign
U.S.FDA panel votes against Veru's COVID-19 pill

"Even though (the data) is impressive for a new molecular entity - it has no direct evidence to support the antiviral activity," said panel member Susanne May, who voted against authorization of the drug. May is a professor of biostatistics with the University of Washington School of Public Health and director of the UW Clinical Trials Center.

Photo of Tracy Bergemann
Photo of Tracy Bergemann
First-Generation College Stories
University of Washington Alumni Association,

Tracy Bergemann (PhD ’04) found little support or understanding for First Gen students during her time as a UW Biostatistics graduate student. Resources for First Gen students have improved over the years but significant challenges remain.

“My advice is to just keep putting one foot in front of the other day by day, and find your allies where you can,” said Bergemann.