News & Events


Featured stories about UW Biostatistics people, research, and impact.
Kathleen Kerr
Kathleen Kerr
Kathleen Kerr named MS Capstone Program director
Kathleen Kerr named director of the UW Biostatistics 18-month degree program that provides rigorous, practical training for students looking to enter the job market upon graduation.
Amy Willis and Adam Szpiro
Amy Willis and Adam Szpiro
Faculty promotions, retirements, and new hires in UW Biostatistics
The University of Washington Department of Biostatistics welcomed three new assistant professors, promoted two core faculty, and bid farewell to four faculty members who retired in the 2023-24
Photo of Bruce Weir
Photo of Bruce Weir
Bruce Weir, pioneer in statistical genetics and forensic science
A tribute to Dr. Bruce Weir celebrating his career contributions and legacy at University of Washington.
Michael Wu
Michael Wu
Michael Wu receives Bob Riffenburgh award
Congratulations to UW Affiliate Professor of Biostatistics Michael Wu who was named the 2023 recipient of the Bob Riffenburgh award by the American Statistical Society.
Welcome new faculty
Welcome new faculty
New faculty join UW Biostatistics in 2023-24
Three new outstanding faculty members will join the University of Washington School of Public Health in the Department of Biostatistics in the 2023-24 academic year.
Richard Kronmal
Richard Kronmal
Honoring Dick Kronmal - A lifetime commitment to innovation, rigor, and collaboration
After 58 years at the University of Washington, Dick Kronmal, co-director of the Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, professor of biostatistics and statistics, and a founding member of the Department of Biostatistics, retired on June 1.
Photo of Rebecca Hubbard
Photo of Rebecca Hubbard
Rebecca A. Hubbard recipient of 2023 Gertrude M. Cox Award
Rebecca A. Hubbard, PhD, a professor of biostatistics at the University of Pennsylvania and alumna of the University of Washington Department of Biostatistics (PhD, ‘07) has been honored with the 2023 Gertrude M. Cox Award.
Class of 2023 Graduates in UW Biostatistics
Class of 2023 Graduates in UW Biostatistics
UW Biostatistics 2023 graduation highlights
Congratulation to all 2023 University of Washington Department of Biostatistics graduates!