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News & Events


Barbara McKnight
Barbara McKnight
Barbara McKnight reflects on her career at UW
Retiring Professor of Biostatistics Barbara McKnight has always had a research interest in the causes of chronic disease, and in the statistical methods used to discover them.
Healthcare site in Malawai
Healthcare site in Malawai
Study outlines new treatment regimen for children with chest-indrawing pneumonia
A new study outlines a better way to treat chest-indrawing pneumonia in children that shortens treatment time, decreases the chance of antimicrobial resistance, and simplifies treatment options for healthcare providers.
Ebola vaccine site in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Ebola vaccine site in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
‘It’s really complicated.’ United States and others wrestle with putting COVID-19 vaccines to the test

“There are risk predictors that account for space and geography and features that are more constant like race, ethnicity or preexisting conditions. It’s really complicated," says Research Professor of Biostatistics Peter Gilbert.

2020 Graduates UW Biostatistics
2020 Graduates UW Biostatistics
Celebrating our 2020 Biostatistics graduates
The 2020 Biostatistics graduates were honored by family, friends, faculty, and staff during a virtual celebration ceremony on June 14.
Dai, Gao and Loudon, SPH student and staff Excellence Award winners for 2020
Dai, Gao and Loudon, SPH student and staff Excellence Award winners for 2020
Student and staff SPH Excellence Awards announced
Congratulations to our department student and staff honorees, recognized by the UW School of Public Health Excellence Awards for 2020.