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News & Events


Headshots of MS Capstone Career Panelists
Headshots of MS Capstone Career Panelists
MS Capstone graduates share insights with current students
Four 2021 graduates from the Master of Science Capstone program met recently with current students to share information about their work and job search experience.
UW Biostatistics Mentor Program
UW Biostatistics Mentor Program
New biostatistics mentor program for MS Capstone students
Announcing new mentor program that supplement's UW MS Capstone student opportunities.
Barbra Richardson
Barbra Richardson
Fact Check: Vaccines Are NOT The Reason Vaccinated English Under 60 Are 'Dying At Twice The Rate of Unvaccinated People The Same Age'
Lead Stories,

Research Professor of Biostatistics and Fred Hutch faculty member Barbra Richardson is quoted.

Peter Gilbert
Peter Gilbert
Immune correlates analysis of the mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine efficacy clinical trial

Fred Hutch researcher and Research Professor of Biostatistics Peter Gilbert is corresponding author on new study examining correlates of protection, immunological markers that can be used to reliably predict the level of vaccine efficacy against a clinically relevant endpoint such as COVID-19.

Image of snow globe with coronavirus spikes, Getty, The Atlantic
Image of snow globe with coronavirus spikes, Getty, The Atlantic
The Pandemic’s Next Turn Hinges on Three Unknowns
The Atlantic,

We are no longer in the most dangerous phase of the pandemic, but we also have not reached the end. So COVID-19’s trajectory over the next few months will depend on three key unknowns: how our immunity holds up, how the virus changes, and how we behave. Professor of Biostatistics and Fred Hutch researcher M. Elizabeth Halloran is mentioned.