I am a Biostatistician and Statistical Geneticist with 15 years of experience in human genetics research, with a focus on statistical and population genetics, computational methods development, and data management including quality control, harmonization, and sharing. I graduated with my Ph.D. in Biostatistics from the University of Washington, following the Statistical Genetics track. My research focuses on developing computationally efficient statistical methods for large-scale analysis of genotype and phenotype data in samples with complex structure from diverse populations.
I have spent the past 6+ years as a Senior Research Scientist at the Genetic Analysis Center (GAC) in the University of Washington (UW) Department of Biostatistics, where I have served as a project manager for the Polygenic Risk Methods in Diverse Populations (PRIMED) Consortium Coordinating Center (2021-present), the Genomics Research to Elucidate the Genetics of Rare diseases (GREGoR) Consortium Data Coordinating Center (2021-present), and the Trans-Omics in Precision Medicine (TOPMed) program Data Coordinating Center (2018-2021). As a PM for these consortia, I have led teams of research scientists in performing tasks including data analysis support, genotype quality control, phenotype harmonization, data model development, statistical methods development, and software development.
Through the activities of these consortia, I have experience working on cloud platforms such as the NHGRI Analysis Visualization and Informatics Lab-space (AnVIL) and NHLBI BioData Catalyst platforms. In PRIMED, I worked closely with consortium members to develop and implement the PRIMED common data model, data processing and harmonization protocols, and a multi-workspace architecture on AnVIL for controlled data sharing and analysis within the consortium. I have experience developing statistical software (e.g. the GENESIS R/Bioconductor package) and co-developed a WGS Data Analysis module for the Summer Institute for Statistical Genetics (SISG), which I have co-instructed using the NHLBI BioData Catalyst cloud platform since 2022.