Hans Rosling Center for Population Health
3980 15th Avenue NE
Seattle, WA 98195-7230
United States
For over thirty years Dr. Richardson has served as lead statistician on numerous clinical trials and observational studies of HIV and other infectious diseases. These include studies of mother to child HIV and CMV transmission, microbicides for prevention of STDs, HIV disease progression, correlates of HIV risk and acquisition, and HIV treatment. Through her involvement with these studies Dr. Richardson has extensive experience in designing studies, preparing statistical analysis and interim monitoring plans, preparing and presenting DSMB reports, and statistical analyses of data.
Dr. Richardson’s main statistical methods research interests have concentrated on developing methods for analysis of infectious disease data and methods for analysis of data with missing values. Past work includes developing methodology to estimate breastmilk infectivity among HIV-1 infected mothers, and collaborations on the development of survival analysis methods when the outcome variable is measured with uncertainty.