After 18 years at the University of Washington, the Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics (SISG) has moved to Atlanta. Georgia Institute of Technology, in partnership with Emory University and the Atlanta University Center Consortium, will host the next phase of SISG, now named in the honor of founding director Bruce Weir, who retired from UW last year.

Weir founded SISG while at North Carolina State University and brought it to UW in 2006 when he arrived to chair the Department of Biostatistics. He considers SISG to be this one of his proudest achievements along with expanding content beyond genetics to include institutes in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases (SISMID), Statistics for Clinical & Epidemiological Research (SISCER), and Statistics in Big Data (SISBID).
The Bruce Weir Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics will held May 29 – June 14, 2024. SISMID has also moved to Atlanta and will be hosted by Emory July 15-31. UW will continue to host SISCER and SISBID, which are offered online only.