At this year's 3rd Seattle Symposium on Health Care Data Analytics experts in health data and biostatistics will discuss using data from Electronic Health Records (EHRs), personal health trackers, social media, and other sources to transform clinical care.

Sponsored by the Biostatistics Unit at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute (KPWHR) and the UW Department of Biostatistics, the event is designed to bring together people with diverse expertise—biostatisticians, health services researchers, data scientists, and health system leaders—to discuss about how rigorous statistical methods can overcome health data limitations so meaningful conclusions can be drawn from them.
The program includes a number of speakers with UW Biostat ties including Professor Ross Prentice and affiliate assistant professors Ruth Etzioni and Jennifer Bobb. Alumni slated to speak include Aasthaa Bansal (PhD, ’08), Rebecca Hubbard (MS ’04, PhD ’07), and Xu Shi (PhD, ’17). Department Chair Patrick Heagerty will serve as one of the conference hosts. The symposium will be held October 22-24 in downtown Seattle. Space is limited but registrations are still being accepted.